Speech and Language Therapy
Speech-Language Therapy services focus on enhancing communication to the best of every child's ability. Speech and language therapists work on a variety of skills to assist each child in becoming a successful and confident communicator. Therapists are trained and experienced with interventions that focus on sound development, memory and organization, language, articulation, social communication, processing, voice, fluency, functional communication, in addition to oral motor skills to enhance swallowing, chewing, and articulation.
Feeding & Oral Motor Therapy
Countless families have told us, that having a child with feeding challenges, was the single most stressful challenge they have faced as parents. Feeding is an important part of the everyday life of infants and young children, and much parent-child interaction occurs at feeding times. CFS provides treatment for patients of all ages, who are having challenges with eating.
One in three parents will describe their child as a "picky" eater,[1] with studies suggesting that picky eating is "extreme" or "persistent" roughly 10%-15% of the time (ranging from 3% to 35%).[2,3,4,5] These children often struggle to eat enough volume or variety to the point that their eating patterns may result in nutritional deficits or affect growth and psychosocial development.
Typical Picky Eating:
Often starts around age 15-18 months
Usually resolves by about age 5 years
Child has favorite foods but can make do with other options
Child is upset if not getting a favored food; may whine or fuss briefly
Preference for carbohydrates
Sings of Persistent or Extreme Picky Eating:
May begin with the introduction of solids or earlier
Child prefers carbohydrates and may avoid entire food groups, vegetables and meats are limited
Food range of less than 20 foods, especially if foods are being dropped over time
Child may be inordinately fearful or anxious around new foods
Parents reporting child as being “picky” at 2 or more well child checks
More likely to involve deficiencies of nutrients (such as iron), but growth may be normal
Lactation Services
What to expect with an initial lactation visit with baby?
I will get an extensive history on mom’s health, what medications she is taking, complications of pregnancy and/or delivery. Will assess breasts for any damage and concerns. Will assess baby as needed for any oral concerns and discuss certain behaviors that may occur if complications were present during pregnancy or delivery. Will watch a feeding at the breast and make adjustments as needed if pain is present or baby not transferring milk well. Will assess where milk supply is and will give information to help increase supply as needed. Each mom and baby are different, so each visit is different to assure I am meeting the needs of each mom and baby.
Why Choose an IBCLC?
An IBCLC has gone through 90 hours of education on human lactation and breastfeeding, has to take a comprehensive exam that is only offered twice a year. A IBCLC also has to take continuing education credits to keep up with certification and keep up on current information. It is the highest certification achieved in human lactation and breastfeeding.
Prenatal visit: 1 hour visit, $75
This is a great option for anyone who would enjoy a 1-on-1 approach to lactation education. In this visit we would discuss expectations in the early days, typical feeding patterns, when to seek further help after delivery, and other general breastfeeding information.
Also a great option for a mom who may have any chronic health conditions that can have an effect on lactation such as:
Thyroid conditions
Those who have had fertility treatments
Will help know what to expect and also how to prepare for potential problems related to health conditions as needed.
Initial Evaluation: 1 - 1.5hr initial visit, and 45-60 minute follow up, $145
This would include an in person initial visit of assessment of mom and baby with lactation concerns or questions and a 45-60 minute in person follow up visit.
Additional In-Person Follow-Up Visit: 45-60 minutes, $60
For challenges beyond what can be address through phone consultations, additional visits are available to support babies an caregivers throughout the breastfeeding journey.
Helpful Resources: