Jessamyn Reiter
I graduated from UW-Madison with a Masters in Communication Disorders, with a concentration in education, in 2005. Since that time, I have worked in outpatient rehabilitation settings, UW-Hospital’s acute and rehab care, preschool and elementary schools, and a reading center in Ravinia, IL which is owned and operated by all speech therapists. It was here that I discovered my love for helping children improve their reading skills. I furthered my expertise in literacy through training in the SPELL-Links to Reading and Writing curriculum. In my literacy and language therapy practice, I synthesize my knowledge in language and speech sounds with practical and systematic skills children need to improve reading, writing, story-telling, grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, sound patterns, and organization of language. I am so motivated to do this work because of the progress I see in my clients and the difference it makes in their lives.
Treatment Philosophy:
My first intention when starting therapy is to form a connection with my patients as well as their families. I believe that listening and understanding are key components of being an effective and compassionate therapist. Through ongoing communication with families and in depth assessments of the children I work with, I seek to gain understanding of their strengths as well as areas of challenge with regard to literacy. I encourage children to feel confidence and pride throughout the therapy process. My goal is to be a resource and support for my patients and their families. My philosophy within therapy sessions is to always stay aware of the right level of challenge and make adjustments in therapy as indicated by the child’s progress.
Favorite Quote:
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- they must be felt with the heart.” -Helen Keller
Certifications and Specialty Training:
Building the Brain for Literacy, From Speech to Print Workshop (18 CMH)
Speech Sound Disorders and Literacy: Maximizing Outcomes through Simultaneous Phonological Awareness and Orthographic Pattern Awareness Instruction
The Language of Reading and Spelling
Overview of Current Best Practices
Focus on Phonology
Focus on Orthography
Focus on Morphology
Auditory Processing Disorders, Dyslexia, and Apraxia: Assessments and Interventions
Certified Yoga Teacher 200 RYT
Kids Yoga Teacher training, Habitat Kids Yoga, Nashville, TN